The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

COMMERCIAL. OF7ICI Or THE PICAYUNE, Friday Evening, Jan. M. 1M I Our nwitl market has presented a rather active ap pearance during the past week, sur leading staple having attrrrd etT pretty freely at well maintained price, and mtt deacriptios of Western Producs meeting with a moo demand a better price. Ths.

better qualities of Cotton have generally been una, and 8 agar ha farther trr. proved in prices. Flour and provisions of moat kind save, brought higher prices, whiieOraia ia witbont any material alteration, though the catreme rates for Cora attired last week have not been obtained. In Tobacco a moderate business has been done. Freights have been doll and Exchangee firm.

The weather was clear and very cold in the early part of the week, bat baa latterly been, raiay and unseasonably warm. COTTON A very fair demand has prevailed throng, at the week, and notwithstanding the recent unfavor able accounts from Earope, prices have been very well maintained far the Middling and better qualities, thaogh Srfth a large stock, consisting mainly of the lower and. dusty Cottons, these latter descriptions have been and the rate little better than aomiaaL The alee of the week have amounted to about 00,000 bales; of which job Saturday; 8500 on Monday, 12,000 on Tuesday, HJSW on Wednesday, 1000 on Thursday, and eaeo HUythenartrtckngaaboottberangeof quotations aa follows fiddling Seed Middling. MiddUng Fair lair 11113 is sVltjt 1 1913 10ie4 Bsod Ordinary. La The receipts the week embrace bales, against XUf the totiesiwmfrlTig week last year.

The total aceeipta since the 1st of September bare been 1,207 ,3 bales, agtisst to the same date last year. The exports the wek embrace 53.22ft bale, rorxr prtafng t33 to Liverpool, 113 to Glasgow. 3846 to Havre, aow ts Barcelona, umo to Belle Isle, 3137 to Bremen, MS to 3ottaaburgv 331 to Hamburg, 100O to Falmouth, 1 to Antwerp, C075 to Boston, e9 to ew York, and to Providence, I. The total export tract the 1st of September have been TTCtrbaiea. The export far the corresponding week last year wet ftA Isabels, sad tbe total exports te date were 518,307 bales.

The stock an band tuie evening is bales, against 3064 at the wan time last year. 5 ctatzment op cotton. Stack sa hand 1st September, iSf. bales 30.374 Arrived I. 203.404 Jkrrtvtd to day 1.338.333 7f3ftT99 4.748 770.347 1 too exported to Exported to tork en hand not cleared.

TOBACCO Than has been some inquiry during the past week, but with continued difference tn the view of buyers and seller the business of the week has been of a moderate character. The sale have embraced gup to 400 of which 38 and 51 at 6Cj 12S at tc; 30 atC; so at sc. 4 IB i a few email lota at about the same range, and the residue an private terms. We quote as far lows though our figures are but little better than nominal, and are said to be hjSHc. above the sate for which round lota could be sold Lugs, 9 Lugs, Flantera' ...5 39 Leaf, Inferior to 9 UatFair 7 7, Lt ai, fine .....8 4e 8 Lea Choice, Light to Clarkaville 8 010 The receipts of the week embrace 7 against 724 for the corresponding week last year.

The total receipts since the 1st September have been 869 against Kit to the same date last year. The ex porta of the week embrace 1333 of which to Bremen, 313 to Hamburg. 898 to Antwerp, 6U to Valencia, 11 to New Tork, and 5 to Charleston. The total exports since the 1st of September have been 14,278 against 11,603 to the same date last year. The stock en hand this evening is 32,207 against U10 the same time last year.

STATEMENT OF TOBACCO. Stock an hand 1st September, 1858 hhda. M.216 Arrived since 1.9 Arrived to day 3.369 36.483 Exported to date Exported to Stock on hand nst StrOAaV The receipta have been quite liberal again during the past week, but meeting with a ready demand most of the time, prices have still held an upward teav 'deney, a further advance of about Th having been sstbifshrd The sales of the week have amounted to about hhda, iotly at the'range of our qaotationa, Lkn are now as follows Common to Common. Fair to FuUy Fair. 5 Prime and Choice 647 Centrifugal and Clarified 7 9ii Low Clarified H' On plantation some eooo hhda were sold during last week at 7ie5c and 600 hhda.

on Tuesday at Week's receipta 13,618 hhda, against 6567 for the corre bfsurliag week last year. Total receipta sines the 1st of September against 87,167 to the same date last year. The exports of the week embrace 4215 of which 33 to Boston, 2303 to New Tork, 335 to Philadelphia, 51 to Providence, 649 to Charleston, 73 to Mvannan, 70 to nor Ida. and 44 io Texas. MOLASSES There was a good demand in the early part of the week, and prices farther advanced folly lc 4 gailen, bat the market ha since given way and fallen "Below our last quotation.

The sale of the week have amounted to 14.000 the closing rates being 39931c for fermenting, and '33033Hc gallon for prime and choice, closing very dull at tbi range. Mail 001. nave been selling mostly at 33936c, the more recent transactions beiiic at 35c 4V callon for choice. Several crops have been sold on plantation, embracing nearly 900,000 galltns, mostly at 37928c 47 gallon, tbougri the last sale reported waa 39,000 gallons at 36c gallon, in the cistern, Week' receipta 15,371 against 11,124 for the corre awiaiiling week last year. Total receipta since the 1st of September 19923 bbbk, against 178,462 to the same date last year.

3 The export of the week embrace 3871 bbbx, of which 109 to Boston, 1500 to Bristol, B. 1033 to New Tork, 475 to Philadelphia, 345 to Charleston. 100 to Savannah, 313 to Florida, and 36 to Mobile. FLO There ha been fair demand for Flour dor inar the greater part of the past week, and price have further improved. Up to last evening we noticed sales of about 18,000 bbls.

at a range for extremes of as 50 and $5 55 for good to choice brand of superfine, gd95 75 on to $7 and 37 75 tor extra and choice extra, and 34 730 S5 for nne unbranded. Today some 1200 bbls. were sold Jnclodmg 100 common at 04 35; MO fine at 34 75: 100 superfine at 35 60; 160 low do. at 34s extra at 1 36 at Sft STJ.C bbL Week' receipt 13,171 bbls. Exports 0130, of which 4064 to Sis, itt to Sisal, 3187 to Boston, 800 to New Tork, 471 to Florida, 348 to Texas, and 338 to Mobile.

WHEAT We have noticed sales of some 8000 sack at for inferior; 01 for prime red, and 81 1091 20 buahel fur fair to prime white. Week's receipta M0 sacks Exports 360 to New York. CORN With further Increase in the supply, prices kave generally been still more in favor of buyers. The sales of the week embrace soma 30,000 sack mostly at 36990c for ordinary white and good mixed at tc basbel for prime white and yellow, including today 4600 sacks white, yellow ana mixed at 90c; 700 ordinary and white at a9goc sod too prime white at 03c bosheL Week's receipts S3J1T sacks Exports 660 to Plorida. OATS There has been no material Chang in price, the 'aiaka including 4000 bushel Canada at 77kc, and 3000 to 4000 0s 1 is a rang of 76S73 and 80c 43 bushel for good Western to prime Be Louis and Canada.

Today, 150 sacks St Louie were sold at 80c buahel. Week's receipts 328 sacks Exports 30 to Florida. BRAN Prices have still ranged at 191 10 100 IB, with only limited transactlona during tn wees. 1 HAT Th principal sales reported hare been 150 tons prime Western at 021, and to day 2V0 bales New Tork at gia so ton. P0BX There baa been a good deaaand for Pork, and Bticso have considerably advanced.

The sales up, to this assinmg em braced some 5000 mostly at 018 60919 for Mesa, the rates tending to outside figure, with a few lots of prime at 013914 bbL To day, 100 bbla. prime were sold at 813 60, 231 Mess at 319, and 340 in three lots Sis at S19 bbL Week's receipta 7561 bbla. Exports 4178, of which 3903 0 Boston, 96 1 rw York. 70 to Florida, and 68 to Mettle. BACON This article also has been In good request, With aav upward tendency in prices.

The sales of the week have amounted to about 1600 casks, mostly at Tit 9 JC for Shoulders, 9 Vara foe ribbed Sides, sad 119 II J6s. Vt 1m dear Side, tacludiag to day es and 76 cask a sibse sjMes a 9ic 30 clear at 11 He, and 36 of Shoulder ratwalotet7Hc4B. Weeks receipta 1591 casks and tierces, Expert 1047, of wmenssv bosmo, to new Xork, 81 to Florida, 30 to Texas, and 15 to Mobile BEEF The market has been very dulLand the only asiea reported during the week were loo bbla, prime (light weight) at 36 80, and to day 60 bbla. Meaa at 14 so bbL Week's receipta loll bbla. and tierce Exports 131, of which 63 to Boston, 38 to New Tork, and 60 to Havana, DAT SALTED MEAT We hare noticed sales of about 4Escp.b daring the wash, taclading 300,000 Th in bulk at 70 casks aba adders at 6)tc, in bulk at for sbuldera, 7w7iic1ar bams, and 4 TB fbrsidea.

'AND CHEESE W0 quote Western Butter vrPiaJc for fair to prime, and Cheese at 7J99c Tb accorumg so quality, mme JCoU Satter la worth 19 "80C. 4fsB. No choice Western in the market. Weeks receipts kegs and trkin Batter, and 413 BxesCbee. IAED There has been a yery fair demand for Lard, and pricea havs farther imprwred, with sales up to last sbowk 3000 bets, and ttercea, mostly eat pn said to be at abont Hot 11 for No, 1, and 11 for prime, with a few hundred kegs at IMiwiac.

4 is. Today we have heard sf as tranaac say btrportaace except MO kegs old a 12 and iso, to two 4ib. ,7 'na j'Wrtrjiptriwbfci, and tea. and 680 kegs Exports iSTJ tVMW wbJcn to Bio, 1000 to Havana, to Boston, and 13,913 to New Tork. A5D BALB 0ra W.

quote Kentntky have heard aff mu, At k. India baa sat 800 to taTA bale at 13I49 'root. In. and os the'tpot, wi Miacaiae maoe. HTBASs5rr BsS snd 116 coils Base, tbi.

ai.rAfirP,'rthM been rtU more demand for ring thTuJ JT "rd some 3300 bale sold do for heavy and extra COFFEE The demand was quite active in the early part of the week, and with a small stock, holders obtained very fail prima The sale of the week sum op about 14,000 bags at a range for extremes of ioH9llfec, including 660 bags to day at 11 i0llac 4 BJ. We quote fair at 104911C gocd fair at llc, and prime at lllc 4V Th. Four carcoea embracina. 13.963 bags have arrived from Kjo during the week, making tbe imports since the 1st of September 197,790 bags, against 136.0U totnesame uace last year. "Tbe stock on hand this evening is 969 bags, gainst 64,460 at tbe same time last year.

SALT Th rate for Liverpool from second hands are 8S990C for coarse, and 31 0601 10 for fine, delivered free of draysge, and 76c for the former, and 96c for tbe latter, at the warehouse. We quote cargoes afloat at 63c for coarse, and C607OC for a fourth to a third fine, and in warehouse ewsc higher. Tbe only sale reported during tbe week wsa a cargo of 13,000 bushels Mediterranean yesterday at 13C 4 bushel, but that price wea refused today for 30,000 bus beta. BJCE We have noticed sales of 600 to 1000 tierce Carolina during the week, to arrive and on the spot, at 394C 16, Including yeateriay 100 tierce prime to arrive, at 4c 4 IB. WH11I.IT Th demand has been moderate with aalea during the week of 1600 to 1800 bbla.

at for Rectified aad S8928)iC 4 gallon for limited parcels of Baw, the transactions including to day 150 bbla. Rectified at 27c gallon. Week'a receipt 4S1 bbla. Export 1604, of which 43 to Charleston, 106 ts Savannah, 280 to Florida, 315 to Texas, and 921 to Mobile. CANDLES There has been a limited demand for Star Candle, with aalea of some sooo boxes, mostly at 17918c for light full weight being nominal at 190ioc IB.

TALLOW The last sales reported were at B410c for city rendered the latter rate snly for small lota. OILS We quote Lard Oil at 75990 and 95c Linaeed at 70976c and Fiak'a cotton seed at 66070c for crude, aad 76980c for retail lota of clarified. The Southern Oil Company' oil are in fair request at 73c for ma. chinery and paint 60c for deck, and 30c 4T gallon for gas eU. 8P1BJT8 TURPENTINE There baa been a limited demand, with an increased stock, and 400 to 500 bbla.

havs seea sold during the week a cash for lota in good shipping order. ROSIN We have noticed sale of some 1500 bbla during tbe week at 41 4601 65 for common, Si o9l 60 for No. 3 and 03 3603 6O4V bbL for medium to pale No. though the latter la very dull. TAR Some IBOO bbla.

have been sold at 2 50 for and 33 50 4 bbL for North Carolina. FITCH The sale have included a few limited parcels North Carolina at S3 75 and some retail lota of southern Oil Company Navy Pitch at S3 60 4 bbL HIDES We quote Mexican Flint at 1791c for heavy and light, and Attakapa st 12915c for dry salted and Flint and 607c IB for aTeen. ALCOHOL The last sale reported was 64 at 47c 4 gallon. LIME Two cargoes of Rockland were sold recently including 1000 at 31 25, and ISO) at 31 30 bbL, snowing an advance. I FREIGHTS The Freight market baa been rather heavy daring the past week, though the rates are without any quotable alteration.

Tbe engagement! have included two American Ships for: Liverpool at for Cotton i one British vessel at 32d. A Ship for Havre at le.j one for Genoa at 13 16c. for Cotton and 012 for Tobacco; eae for Boston at fsc for Cotton a vessel for that port v. 04 35 4 bbd. for Sugar; one far Philadelphia at 4 SO for Sugar; two or three Ships for Europe at and to day a Barkr and a Brig for New Tork at 44 hhd.

for Sugar, and 01 26 bbL for Molaaita. EXCHANGE Tbe demand has been moderate, but foreign Bills have improve! during the week. We now quote London (dear bllla) B8, 4rr, prera. Paris tl. sai06f.2b4 4 dol.

Kew Tork 60 dys 11 ct dis. New York Bight Vi 4ct. dis. CATTLE MARKET. Jefferson City, Friday Evening.

Jan. 26. BEEF CATTLE The supply of Western Cattle continued ample during the week, but tbe market waa bar el Texas Cattle an til yesterday, when a lot arrived. Prices were pretty firm lor good Cattle in an active mar krt. We quote Western at 4xVj01Oc 4 16 net.

HOGS We quote at c. 4 TS net a moderate supply on anle. SHEEP Tbe market waa rather dull at tn 4 head. MILCH COWS A limited supply at 330960 4 head. VEAL CATTLE Uood demand at S60U 4 head.

A moderate stock. 3IOXETARY AND FRIDAY EVENING, January 28. Tbe market during the past week has displayed a very fair degree of activity, despite the unfavorable weatbtx which prevailed, and the transaction generally have been on a large scale Of course the financial movement has been correspondingly heavy, but everything in this department glides along ss easily as before. Money has been in active request, but only at tbe Banks, and even there the applications do not come up in amount to the large re erves that have accumulated under 'abundant crops and good prices for tbe same. Out of doors, prime long paper la sought for with avidity, and considerable negotiations are reported on the basis of 89 8 Jf 4ct.

There is the more eagerness to invest, as tne impression in nnancuu circles is that the rates will recede still further towards March and April. We quote the various grades of paper a follow Mortgage city paper, highest 3 0 854 country and 9 010 Factors' acceptances, to 13 i six a four and five montha 7 0 73a Long paper, geou to no. 9 wis Short paper, endorsed 0 6 single names, prime 6 0 No. 3 9 0 Short Loans, on first class collaterals 0 0 Long I starts, on do 9 9 The demand for Stocks has again been quite active, and nearly all dividend descriptions have experienced a further advance. Having noticed the daily transactions, we have merely to refer to the quotations amended in conformity with the actual state of the market.

Tbe Crescent City Bank has made formal application for an increase of Its capital to two millions. This, with the addition to tbe Merchants Bank and the Mechanics and Traders', makes a contemplated increase of 01,900,000. NEW ORLEANS STOCK MARKET. Canal Bank, 0100 paid Louisiana, 0100 paid 9 16 Louisiana State, 3100 paid 175 91 76 Mechanics' and Traders', 0100 102 0102)6 1.1UK01 paia Bank of New Or lean 100 paid Southern Bank, 0100 paid Cnion Bank, 0100 paid, Crescent City Bank, 0100 paid Merchants' BankJaiOO Bank of America. 0100 nald ......210 212)3 luirr 101 0101 4 .....100 0101 Commercial Water Works, 0100 paid 66 9 66 St.

Charles HoteL 026 paid Ilh9 13 Pontchartrain Railroad, ino paid. 7 0 New Orleans Sixes, 01,000 bonds 90 0 91 New Orleans Railroad "83)49 84 Jackson Railroad Bonds. 8 4ct 75 9 LouiaianaTehuantepecBonda8 62)69 64 Jackson Railroad, 026 paid 8)9 9 Opeloosa Railroad, 096 paid. 719 Lonlsisna Tehnantepec 30 0 Orleans Inan ranee Company, 100 paid. ....360 Gas Light Company, 0100 paid.

134 New Orleans and Washington Telegraph Company, aso 15 Pelican Dry Dock Corhpany, 0100 64 Carroll ton Railroad Company 38 9 66 Louisiana State 97 0 97jf bevrr omul vnuis rim 00 VQ Star Insurance Company, 0100 Union Insurance Company, 020 42)49 46 Hope Insurance, 020 paid 46 0 68 Ceiondelet Canal and Navigation Company, 0100 paid 78 0 80 Soot hern Stramahip Company, 3100 93 0 93)4 Miaaisaippi Central Railroad 75 9 Foreign Exchange has improved since the date of our ast weekly summary. We now quote clear Sterling 1089 and bill of lading drafts 1079107ft. Franc 6f. 27), 6I.22H, though some leading drawer ask 6f.3l(. Sixty uay uuau arw korx, lS92 47ct discount.

Sight, fH Vet discount. The Banks check over thecounter at fc. Dncurrent funds range at about tbe aame figures last quoted, with a fair business doing. Some Mexican Silver ha been sold at our quotations. American Gold coinage.

California Geld, per ounce apoleons Spanish Doubloons American Specie, American Specie, new Mexican Dollars Spanish Pillar Dollars 317 00917 63 4 809 4 86 3 800 3 83 16 00916 36 15 60916 70 .....13693 4ct. prem. 191)6 dis. ,..3 4ct. prem.

prem. siasrse 193 dia. Five Franc California Gold Coins BASK SOTS. City par. I Virginia.

Bank of umo country Indiana Alabama State. veil 03 North South 03 03 03 060 Tennessee Kentucky Georgia. 1 Nerth. B'k Mies. 40 Com.

atAg, TexaaS 010 1 03 commercial Bank alancnester, at Tsxos, par. Land VV arraiiU ya A acre. 120 acre Warranto 76986 acre. United States Treasury 9 4ct. diacount.

Our despatches this afternoon announce the arrival of the Arabia at Halifax with dates from Europe to the 16th inst The sales of Cotton In Liverpool for the week ending the 14th are reported at 41,000 bales, and prices are said to have declined Trade at Manchester continued satis, factory. The Funds had declined in consequence ot the unfavorable aspect of Italian aftairx. The New Tork Commercial Advertiser, of the 21st, evening, says: Sir Htrrry Ptte "ement in Foreign Exchange, and vMmg eitocr in prices or aspect 01 tne mar Sea. UBUMnnthMMaMUialiainil, i. i nv iraj.

VI DM1, Will nd 108910814 for commercial signature Paris 6f.3096f.15; Hamburg, XV36 Amsterdam, 419 41)t Bremen, 7907j. Jsist ArrfTexI. sistrng sf Plaatotioa Hands. Za PVm' Hon SerrantfTaol JTf1Tilif aupplie during tbo aeason of the beat Nerraea that can be boushttotbs Virginia irolina marketa. Bhih 1 mZZ TZ rVT most reasonable terma rK wny pj.ani.

mad ChwwiaSieto Neworiea a adW JOHN B. SMITH. PlswtsUlwB) for Male. CIO ACRES of Land, on Old Town Lake, Phillip lfr In eaJtivatloa son now ready to take ins steam sin. saw mill and nle mil a tare residence with ajinmiu all m.

piules. 90 bead of cattle, and a large stock of hogaTths land above high water, without a levee, in 1868. Also. 600 acre of Lanri in WMhlnn. ari 3)4 miles back of Eggs Point, 400 cleared, with si likely aegroea, stock.

AlSO. 144(1 iraa of T.r,.1 VautUm, n.w.K ti Mllhkenu Besd 700 cleared, io more ready to take in. For terms, acnlv to JaS7 3tdAW WARD, HUNT CO. 1 0 8 dia 1 0 ....1 0 1)4 8 349 1 1 ma IndCl JOHN I SUCCESSOR TO V. 4 13 AND CHARTBXS STREET, Importer of RICH SILAS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES LACE8.CL0ARS and kllLLINERT' ARTICLES.

atl tf Arrivals Yesterday mt Principal Hat els. ST. CHARLES HOTEL. McLellsnd and lady. Thorns and laity Miss Austin.

Miss 11 Austin, Anrtin. Miss 8 Eliincton. Ga Meaner. La Reid. Davis Jno Handy, Miss Mr Lei land, Ala Geo Messinger.

Nelson, Mirs Latimer, La Kinraiit. Fa Jno Lintoo. Kv Holland, Miss NVLW Rives. Ala Beatv.

Miss John Miller, HTork Thos Dudley, Va A Blarkwe Cheaney. Ky I) Cresth, La Powell, Miss Sam Irwin, Va Piatt, Thos Prince and lady. Miss Price, Miss Alice Vivian, Miss Lucy Vivian, Miss uatty Withers. Ala Dr Elliott, 8C Ewing. Texas 8 Barnes.

Mas Cloa ton. Th Claiborne. McLaiae. nes. si Ky Miss Mobley, Ala A Stewart.

Sparks. La Ward, Barlow. La Mrs rl Hneafe, Mo Ms goTfin, miss eillespie ana eniw, Jfow ana T.A Nnrtnn Ml laahvlle Norton. Miss Norton. NT Msguire Lamb, Pa TGltoen, La Den nard, Lyman, A Tucker, La Sterling Keary aad lady.

La Miss Brown 0 Dunbar, Va Simonda, City Schehilebm Hepe, Teun. ST. LOUIS Thorn, Vs Mrs LL Taylor Thos Ellis and lady. Mia Ellis, Butler, Jno Barrow, La 8 Solomons, Hi Tork Komaro irexai, aMraungo ueaioso, Me II Lucas aad family Thompson, La Mr Gor man, Mies Jos waa. 1 neo jarxnoiow, a douhi, rk.

riprin and wife. If a Mr, Whittaker. Mrs Dlx on, Dickson, Miss FhUUpa, Tena A Tentresa, Jr. Jno Brown. La Jos Maxwell.

Ta 8aundere, A 8 Germany, Mias Davie. NT Adam Hawtbern, Mr Vaughan, Mo Root Grandison, Scotland Samuel amoaen, tuves, may aoo wue, maw riTT nnTEI Jmm Onln PTOniiL A Green. Misa Toung, La Wnln, Id Ouin, Mkw Smith. Dunn. La Dr Thorn.

Fuller, MM at Clark, Scott, Ansa, Douglas, Wal Uce, i Clopton, Adams, Merrick, Wm Dlggs, Thomas a Eotoerte, Miss Cochran, Fa Mrs Cbinn and daughter, LB McCarty. Wr Moore, Tex rhnmu Vltr.ner James Turner. McB ay, NC McAllister, Ala Rosa, Minis and boy. La Thos Vaughan, aa iurasK ana may Wllkins, Brace, lexaa Ja oermany arm may. Miss Powell, Hogan, Thos Finegan, 8 Dickson, 1 I a w.

Mo Kerr. A 8 Haves. Fa Wise. La JGrieiby, CsJ and wife, Miss Levy oeeman, mo. iirDR HOTEL Jas Lesslie.

Jos DevenDort. Mix laa Polk Tex Fettir. Machlin. Ark Copron Bo wan. Ala Weatwork, Ely, La Milty.

Ala Hewett, Ky Sullivan, city Lyman. A Otey, A Gooc. Thompson, New aom, Ball, Murphy, Morton, A Morton, Stewart, Dr Nuttandson, 8 Brown, Baring. 8 war a aw i I aaC WJ J1 fjaietrpie, naisi vy irx anwiura, a a roilocit, nty. MRS.

TURNER. 107 and 109 Canal Street, French Emhrwlderlea asxl atUUaery DRESS MAB.ING. BIO tf PICA TONE OFFICE, January 29. Mr. JOHN 8.

WASHINGTON, and assistanra, are the only suthorised Marin and River Newa Reporters for th Picsyase. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Fteam.h Msguolia. Folger. Key West, Payn Nrptune.

Bartiett. Liverpool. Whitney stco Ship Odessa. Bsrstow, Antwerp, Baxter, Lovell Aco Scbr Victoria, Wilson. Apalachicola, Metcalf atco ARRIVED.

Steamship Arizoaa, Lawless, fin New Tork 15th inst, via 1 1 k. 1 .1 XI VBU mil, V. i. Ship Mulbonse, Wiliier. fm Havre 16th Dec.

in ballast, to Baxter. Lovell co aistnct Er Ship Henry, Thomas, fm Liverpool, to master Brook lvn Warehouse Span Bark Venrta, Jails, 5 days fm Havana, In ballast, to master 2d district 22 Br Brig Hope, Webb, 10 days fm St Vincent, In ballast, to mssiet aisrrtct si. Scbr Ed Barnard, Stone, 6 dsys fm Brazos Santiago, to ruelns 2d aiatnct 10 Schr Harry Mavber, Higbee, 8 day fm Charleston, to Paule if co Point Scbr Black Squall. Brown, fm Sagua la Grande 13th inst. in oanal, 10 uivict Wl na.nct Scbr Bella f*ck, Delanoy, 9 days I'm Savannan, to Golden sow tt ietparre a aiatnct io Schr L'Eclair.

tm the Coast 3d district Schr Braxos, fm the Coast 3d district LAKE SCHOOSKftS HEW Bails. Arsene, Cooper, fm Covington. Fontainbieau. Peters, fm Boufboca Fraitiere. Variase.

fm Tcbefoncta Isabella, Codiua, fm Pearl River Capt gpeddon, fm Biloxi Three Brothers, fm Psscsgouls STEAM Anna Ferret, Hinckley, fm Washington. Vixen. Elfert. fm Tblbadouxvilie Cuba, Hiern. fm Mobile.

Silver Heela Brawn, tm Lafourche Groase Tete. Hooper, 1m Lobdell's Store Nstchex. Leathers, tm Vicksborg Carondeiet. Sinnott. fin Mobile.

Jr. Vincent, fm Donaldsouville. Dr Butfuigton, Moore, im Ouachita River. Peerless. Dowty, fm Red River Jas 8tockton.

Hawthorn, tm Pascagoula. Helle fiatea. Rmiovk h. fm Pointe a la Hacbe Towooat Ophelia. Macxey, from the Passes towed down and tn sea an the 26th inst shin Peter Marcv and bark 8 Means brought up bark Veneta, brig Hope, and scbr Ed Barnard Tawboat I.

MillaadomWhann. fm the Passes towed down and to sea on the 32d inst ship Bailey, hark Usielttne, and ong ay me rerrer oroagnc up snips iuuiuouse ana nenry Below Co mine us. Span Ship Habana, Roca, days im Matanxaa, to Prats, rnjoi stco Shin Galena. Leavitt, fm Mew Tork Ship Revenue, Robinson, fm Liverpool Nov 26, to Ash bridge st Iiepbew Shio Jno Stewart. Hanaon.

day fm New Tork Sbip Agnes Leeds, Warts, days fm New Tork, to Hvnson atco Br Brig Creole, Robinson, 6 day fm Island, to I oex gana EXPORTS. KEY WEST Steamship Magnolia 160 bbls whiskey, bbls flour, ISO bbls molasses, so hhds sugar, too ska corn tu rss baron, 10 pes Dsgging LIVERPOO Ship Neptune 3139 bales cotton ANTWERP Ship Odessa 1601 bales cotton, 101 bales 36 hLds tobacco, 7 bales moss, 6000 staves APALACH1COLA Schr Victoria SO hhda euear. a da 5 rks bacon, 121 bbls molasses, 90 bols whiskey, 42 bbls 20 bt bbls molasses, 80 els rope, 61 bgs codec, 60 bbls pork, and 20 oxs cneese IMPORTS. NEW YORK Steamshio Arizona Assorted mdse LIVERPOOL Ship Henry 390U sis salt, Maxwell Aco BRAZO8 SANTIAGO Schr Ed Barnard 493 hides 109 bales wool 3 pkg mdse 9u3 pigs lead 89 bdls skins 330U0 specie umuasn 4C7 niaes 19 sis wool odis ssms 73 specie Frrau it Couturie 4175 Talaraon A Dessomes aiuuu 10 aiaoa trau a oaiea wool rx oeips SAVANNAH Scbr Bella Peck 261 cks rice to Wood at Low SAVANNAH Scbr Knudson 1S00 casks lime to reevy ax rarweu RECEIPTS OP PRODUCE. VICKBBCRG Steamer Matches 647 balea cotton to Buckner, Stanton Newman 210 Henderson Peale 111 Connelly A Champlin 92 Hilllard, Summers atco 197 Robson Allen 3 Adams Aco i Jackson Aco 100 Carroll, Holmes Aco 4H Coleman, Britton A Withers 68 Ar Miltenberger A Borron 60 Leverich Aco 80 Person Aco 61 Lewis A Oglesby 61 Watt Aco 61 Msndeville A Melllhenny 19 Hughe.

Hylleeted Aco 60 ujnic, ance ac co 41 i oomniii arco 17 reltowes atco naming, Aonay st morenead is agent Aco 10 da Brander. Hubbard Aco 9 Friedlander A Qerann An A Hutrhings Aco 3 Nalle Ac 0 Payne A Harrison 10 ureen crump oornssen Bros ttillis, Ferguson Aco 2 Rotchfordy Brown Aco A Frellseu, Stevenson Aco 8 A Ricks Aco 16 Holloway A Smith 4 order 120 ska cotton seed Payne, Steele Aco 60 do Cbadwlck 133 hides Meyers sundries, order Total 22A2 balea cotton. MARIE SALINE Steamer Dr BufEngton 889 balea raw iuia, eerguaon 78 rnerson, Conway Aco 97 Groves Aco 124 Nalle Aco 86 Carter Aco 64 Payne A Harrison 106 Heald, Maasie Aco 8 Boyd Aco 48.Freilaeii, Stevenson Aco 44 Pilcher, Goodrich Aco 60 Lewis A Ogiesby 69 HorrelL Gay le Aco 9 A Henla 44 Davia. Jenkins stco 44 HinoVmL amu I a Bress Aco 43 Phillips, Nixon Aco 34 Cooper Aco mv m.v uuniOB a CSIHIIO IS elSOtt SCO Hughes, Hyllested Aoo 11 Skipwith, Hazard Aco 24 a imiuu aco io at. strong 4 Tate Aco JTTarieton, biting A Tollis 13 Comnrings Aco I 11 Henderson A Peale 10 Friedlander A Geraon Pietnn Aco 10 Cutrer, Harrison Aco 9 Cleveland, Bros Aco Mandeville A Mcllhenny 6 Connelly A Champlin 0 do Wright, Allen Ace 8 Lallande 4 William Aco 4 do Rugeley, Blair Aco 6 A Ricks Aco 6 do Shelby Seymour Aco te ska com XL McGee sundries, order iuibi ioo7 imes cotton RAN ECORE Steamer Peerless 139 bales cotton to Toledano A Tavlor ki a Wallace A Weaver 42 Rnorer, Hlnfnbotham Aco 99 do Carroll, Hoy Aco 30 Payne A Harrison 4 Lee 25 do iisoo, rummy wco io ration, smith at Putnam 26 do iaucne sco is uetxruy at vuiere 13 Bellocq, Nob lom Aco 16 Lobit A Charpantier 1 Rugeley, Blair Aco 14 Freilaen, 8tevenson Aco 13 WAD ran hart do Boobies 84 hhds sugar Rhorer, Higginbotham Aco 76 do 88 bbla molasses A Kelly Aco IBBbbls do 9 hf bbls do 73 hhds sugar West Rensfaaw A Cammack 65 do IT bbls 109 hi bbla niolaaaea Nekwn Aco 48 hhds sugar to Boeart.

A Avery 34 do Ar Miltenberger A Borron 42 do do Lev 'rich co 40 bbls molasses Byrne, Vance stco 14 bidea 6 skins Robeson. Dennett Aco 117 hides 3 bdls rf! "uu anna nes, oraer Total 477 balea cotton 326 hhds an gar S4n bbls molasses a il.T.f ILLE 8teamer D. Jr 90 hhda sugar A "Miltenbe rger Aco 8 do do Roman A Keraion 100 do Mains Aco bbls molasses 8abatier loo do Eaton A Heudenou 96 do 14 hf do Brand A Landry 200 bbla do to'bratt de.r TUl U8 hhd. sugar 375 hhS km Steamer Belle Gate. 60 hbds sugar 136 bbla molasses Botchiord, Brown Aco 99 do Ui," rT bbl molasses O'ConneU ht Jii PtI TCkIS ht "k1 do so hhds sugar Shlff Aro do 68 bbls molaseas Cazenave Aco 8 do A Robert 41 do Tete sundries.

ndTri.l uuos ssuajsaa bn a lUlg DlOlBSScS LOBDELL'S STORE Steamer Or near Tete Tt hhrl. kliils rnvsarsasfi AJCt laKls 1xrt fcsT a. 1.1 ww avw sugar 2Mbbia molsases A Kelly Aco 70 do SO hf bbls do MoutgomeV, do 6 bbls doT CTwicbeU Aco 00 do Rotchiord, Brown Aco 40 do 9 hhds sugar Leave A McCsJI 25 oo 60 bbla molasses Brand A Landry 48 do Durrive Aco sundrie. order Total i hhds sugar 153 bbls 106 hf bbls nwlassea WA8HI'GTON Steamer Anna Ferret utiles cotton Bellocq, Noblom Aco 122 West RensbawA Smntoch lb Lobrt A Charpantier 39 do LaForeat A Desrnare do A iJUy 3 MiUer A Foiestier 6 do Gourdain 61 bbls molaaaea BcUoco. Noblom Aco 2 do 34 hbds susar Fayne A Harrison 48 do West, Renshsw A Cammack40 do Toledano A Taylor 74 do 337 bbla mnlsssrs Perret 111 do do MiilerForeatier 29 hhd.

sugar BabaeT 00 as ooroon ir Total bAlr.SttSn??i,i'h,d;ufM 11 487 bbla molasses THIBADACAVILLE Rcevpr htZi. 6 bbii 1 molassea Troaclair A Haydel iO MllUken 7 bf do DaSilva A Guard 1 do 10 bbla do 4 bhds sugar Da Silva Are 07 do 105 bbla molasses Boeart. Voir A A 13 do I Adams Acs 18 hbds sugar AM TurnbnU Aco 15 do do 91 bbla molsases Lobit A Charpantier 33 hhd. sor Crquhart sundries, order Toisi 84 bbla 73 bf bbls molassea 333 hhds sugar LAFOTJRCHE tttamei utaoa hh4. br )s rjnolaaa, a Boeart.

Fnle a. a a KKriaa snaaS Jackson Ace 11 do Sahatier 50 do Thompson 88 ds so bbls molassea La ore. A Deamare 10 do AD 00 cyme, ance aico 10 so at miliken 20 hf bbla do 30 hhds susar Koek Acs id do Lobit A psntier 26 bbls molasses Darby A Tremoolet 36 hf bbla do. to DaSilva A Girard sundries, order Total SOS hhd near CM) bbls 56 hf bbls molassea. COAST Schr Brazne a hbila anaar Bhenhonl 1.

in do Al ain COAST Scbr L'Eclair at hhds susar Dudley, Nelewm Aco 11 bbls do Brand A Landry 60 If bale gnoisi ies AS Trosraur zisyuci at the fTeveBaain! ASCAGOUIA Steamer JuStockton lMLOOOfttum PASCAGODLA Schr Three Brothers 36,000 ft lumber order. PEARL RIVER Schr Isabella 36,009 ft lumber, order BJLOX1 Schr Capt Bpedonn 36,000 It lumber, oraer CO IV 6TON Sr hr Arsene 35,000 ft lumber, order BON FOUCA Schr Fontainbieau looo bricks, order 8ehr Fruitiere 36,000 A lumber, order Per N. Jaekaan and O. Railroad. riNIYiN tin rtailea emAy Warm AillmorS ACO 145 Adams Aco 89 Cutrer, Harrison Aco 8 Aoy 71 Byrne, Vance Aco A Allen SWatt A Noble illlmrklhni Rnvn Aro til ('nniu llv A Champlin o3 Tliornhill Aco 3 Payne A Harrison 14 A May Aco 31 Coleman.

Britton A Withers 23 Cleveland. Bros Aco 84 Lewis A Ogiesby 19 West, Villere Aco 5 Lallande 11 Pritcbard A Flower 6 borer, fligginbotharu Acs 10 A tienkel eo 7 uobb aco ax uwnr i 4 Palton, Smith A Putnam I Henderson, ell. aen a Miur, A v.r.r tlin 6 Buddeck Aco 6 Broadwell A Fayne 3 Pilcher. Goodrich Aco 5 Ginen, Smedea Aco 1 do Walker. Hatcblnaon Aco 1 do Oakey.

Hawkins Aco Total 905 oaiee cotton Per N. Orielanaaa and O. W. Railroad. ramrriR rrfv ahrfaanear IT bbla mul to West, Renabaw A Cammack 1 do ds 1 bbls S3 hhds sugar nail, iioaa st ratnam so riicon, An Urmiitt Nnrtaia Arn ila Roeart.

FoleV A AVT 50 do hf bbls molasses La Forest A Deeniare 8 bales cotton A 6 Cromwell 6 do Co reman, Britton A Withers IS to A Kelly Aco 6 Williams Aco 13 do Green A Crump it wmston, momson atco nrmirnuu, IS afn arlev Jnm Mn a do mranCKe St 1iOIlOBI 1VW vi oaics cotton 314 ana sue si rraemlltn' and JefTeraon Railroad. unsn annulflet it halea cotton to Farley. Jorey Aco 94 camming stco in buoddu whitlne A Tn Ilia 16 Cutrer. Harrison Aco Rive. Battle A Noble sundries, order Total 3T7 bale cotton Per Prmtohartrain Railroad.

MOBILE Steamer Cuba 96 balea cotton and sundries, aroes. CONSIGNEES. Per ateamahin Arixoiia. fm New Tork Connolv Rennedv Aco L. White Forcbeimer A Maver A Doolev Morsan Acs Garritv Jordan Phillips Coburn Cohen Gayoso Aco A laea Jauha 8 Ridat.ii Are A Guesnard Heath Aco Muse A Bro Rimailho Aco Jackson Aco Lopez Godcbaux Guillott Lefevre OSrey and order MEMORANDA.

Domestic Porta. BOSTON. Jan 18 Arr ships Clara Ann andAldannah, MOrla. lh Arr ship Nathan Manao. bark uenessee and one NOrtnman, uris Cld ships Hartley and Marathon, NOrla 20th Arr bark Harry Hammond, NOrla BRISTOL.

Jan 18 Arr bns California. NOrla NEW YORK. Jan 18 Sid ship Milan and Atwatcr NUria. auth Cld shio Jas Heeler. IMUrls Arr stesmship Black Warrior, and barks Ocean Home.

and Sartelle, Oris PHILADELPHIA. Jan 19 Cld ship swarthmore, luria HllHnun Jan si Arr ernr ranme, lotria CHARLESTON, Jan 33 Sid brig Toccea, NOns Foreira Forts. Per steamship City of Washington. LIVERPOOL Sid for NOrla Jan 1. Maltha Robinson Cld for NOris Jsa 1.

8 Bianchard, Normandy. 8 Pen. nell, and Chicago 3, Nelson 4. Larrabee and Madras trrtiMSts i Arr im muris an 4, a ta tenia ana rati moo HAVRE Arr fin NOris Jan 1, Helios and Marquette Bid for NOrla Dec 30. Wm Jarvia and Maaconomo 31 Janius, Ina Russell and Metropolis Jan 1, Omar Pacha, vvim tai anp oauouaay aciuiui auii r.uropriu HiXBUtu Arr rm Auria uee sh, josnaa muuran ANTWERP Sid for NOrls Jan 31.

A Farwell BREMENH AVKN Sid for Oris Dec 29. Waller BORDEAUX hid for NOrls Jan 1. PeprJerell PALERMO Sid for NOris Dec 19.. Clementina and Si nento GENOA Sid for NOrls previous Dec 27, Rajah ROTTERDAM Sid for NOrls Dec 28. Edouard DEAL Sid for NOrls Jan 4.

Action PLYMOUTH Put in Jan 3. Horizon, fm Antwerp for nuris. ARUKOBSAN Bid for Dec 31. Angeteea STEAM GREAT CKNTHAL ROUTE. THE ONLY Reliable, Cheap and Expeditions, Kant T9 ALL.

POINTS NORTH AND EAST. St. L.als. Cairo ttad Blew Orleans RAILROAD LINE. jJPZjj taP Tbe following New and Elegant PASSENGER PACKETS: Rogers, master.

J. SW0N Jones, msster. A T. LACEY manter. NEW FALLS CITY Woeda, master.

NEW ONCLE SAM Swi tier, master. CTTT OP Rounts. tasster. 8LADIATOR Klinefelter, master. WM.

M. MORRISON BoMnger, master. CHAMPION Moore, anaster. Paaeenger ran rely apon sne of the teavtaa Pew (means EVBET ALTBMATB DAT, Thron ghost the season, and making direct connection at CAIRO AXD 8T. LOUIS With The OHIO AND MISSI81UPFI And ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROADS For all Towns, Cities and Watering Place la th SOUTH, EAST, AND WE8T, From Cairo to St.

Paul, in the Northwest, and to Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Tork, Beaton, Sara toga, Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec aad Portland, la the Northeast, The above i. the only Line of Steamer making direct connection with tbe Railroad at CAIRO AND ST. LODI8. Far aa Cheap, Time mm Quick and with lea. changes than by any other route to the North.

THROUGH TICK ETS good until used allowing the bolder to atop at any point, and resume his journey st pleasure. sW BA6GA6E CHECKED THROUGH, and no charge for handling For Information ar Through Steamboat to Cairo ar St. Louis, and thence via Railroad ts all points North, apply at the Union Ticket Office, Dnder the St. Char lea HoteL New Orleans The Oldest Established Office la tbe South, aad the only one where plans of th Boats' Cabins can be seen.lState rooms secured, and THROUGH TICKETS purchased to all Northers sa Eastern Cities W. El REDDING.

"37 tf General Agent. Arkansas River. Leave on SATURDAY, the 29th at 8 P. M. TOR CHOCTAW AGENCY, FORT rim 1.1 DardaneUe, Lewisrmrg.

Little Rock, rue niun, ana all plantation and way landings Tbe light draught steamer ARKAN 8 AW, J. St. Bennett, master, B. 1,1 wrarc rw ireignK or passage apply en board, foot of Customhouse street, or to Jaas J. HARRIS.

97 Natchex street. Leave on WE DNE8DA Y. sd P. IM. REGULAR ARKANSAS PACKET "steamer ARKANSAS For Fort Smith, Van i Buren.

DardaneUe. Lewlahtira. f.itrla Bark. fine Blurt. New Gascon and all the Henri.

The iiTorinr jnd swift running passenger steamer AR KAN SAW, B. L. Gaines, msster. will leave aa above. For ireieht or passage apply on board, or to a l.

a. Bairn. 4 Tchoonttoolae atreat. Yas2o UJwer. Leaves on SATURDAY, strth at 6 P.

M. IA4WU Aill) a Al, ABUsixA RIVERS. FFor Grenada. Trov. TJraen r.

Jitv. ha tart i a. Vlcksbure. and all lauilnn nr anri Yalsbusba Rivera The Bine steamer YAZOO BELLE, J. w.

Pass, mastef, J.Townson, clerk, will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to iS? S. BRUCE PUTNAM, 6 Front st. fAST The V. B.

Will taka Tallahab hia, i.rl ltl, lege of reshipping on the mail boat. Cam borland Rtwer. Leaves on TUESDAY, 1st at ft P. M. NASHVILLE The good stesmboat PC.

A 08DEN, James Lee. master, will i leave for Naahville. Clrkll1. I mtermediaU laruUnea, aa above.

For freisbt or apply on board, or to BELL. BUCHANAN A 37 Poydras st. JasST Enslneer, Sarreyora and AreklteeCo, AttentlAB I JOSEPH M. LAPHAM, General Engraver and Mathematical Instrument Maker, 88 Common street, between St. Chart and Carrip atreets, New Orleans.

Wedding, Viaitine Card, and Hernia awnlu) a a Opera eissses. Spy eisases. Spectacles, Planters Levels, Drawing Instruments, Ac, constantly on hand. Begs iiuwiiu uv huuhi; iuh ne nas on nana a A ChslM ITws aw tana H.I. SmjATED nine mile below th city of New Orleans, on the right bank of the Mississippi, and meaauitas eight hundred feet front, by depth of two miles.

It is on of tbe richest tracts of land to be found, and will pay from twenty to forty per cent on the investment. It is a healthy and beautiful sttnation, of unequaled fertility, and is easy of access from the city, by railroad, the river, and the levee rued. One hundred and fifty arpenta are not cleared, and th timber is worth mors thaa the prxa fbrwhieh the property would be sold. Plenty of game and excellent fUhine tne whole ia round. Tbe ground be far above Ugh water mark, and la aold With all the awrurtenanre.

il.aliin. i negroes, horaea, mules, aoley on account of the uis aepartare lor Europe. For terms or further nartieniaaa anni. a nnraw Cap LtaN, ThS attention at IWalna aa a m.nniattBras, f1 Is called to th aat tfai. ZZT Kam sjuaatyaa scssssny af which 7 sPce ha.

fully prtrred confirmed. MaaafacSared sad furnished ts srdsr bw a. wvrron Richards. Marbi Tard, sis 1 "bdTpei" oo will be paid for his jrvrl enaiou and de veA r. a.

A 3t. Charles street. lira. ioc a oi ine nnest s.ngineer. and Bnrreyora' Inatrumenta.

wnich he will sell lower than any house in tola city. Repairing done with despatch, and all work guaranteed. Models made to order. Jasi lm ward CUT STEAMBOATS. BlaUla Tk Psutkota.

rOH BQUil w. ar. LINE Wiater Arr aa games Xha asnlendid lew peessurs packet CUBA. R. A.

Hiern. master. FLORIDA. Jr. noaramaa master, and CALIFORNIA, W.

H. uutcninga, masixs built expressly for th Lake trade, with superior accomuM .1 One of the soovs stesmeat srlU ieave thaPsathrtrala Raiiroad DAILY, on the arrival of the3j F.sL traluot car fur Moslls direct. Xetomiug. I wtaura, time, ar any other casualty that might occur to weverii landing, eaceptedj will slop on MONDAYS and THURS liA 1 8 at nay in. laouia, ass aa CatoiB Fasaage oo Uecs Negrees, in lots of five sad Canin fare from Psacageula from Bay St.

Louis Christian Children and Servants. 1 80 1 90 4 00 1 to 3 80 and Fas 1 Deck. 1 The Wav Mail Bag, for MobUe only. wlU lasts th SfBc af the agents promptly st 3 o'clock P. M.

im. a3 R. 6EDDE8. Agent, 30 wrsvier etreet; LAKE SHORE PACKET CREOLE Winter Arrangement For Ocean Springs, sBUsxi, and all interme and all Intermediate i.aia 1 1 1 1 a inaat Mail aacket Seaaa CRlidLE. Chas.

Walker, master, built espreaely far tbk trade, with superior accommodarloas. wiU make trips and i.iM fnfl aalea. nrevented bv bad weather, bisk low water, want of wood, ar some accident to beat or machinery, reaving tne xuc ena oisao rsuscnairwe Raiiroad on the arrival at tbe Lake of th. cars, as follows i Leaves New wneans 7. Poatchsrtrata Railroad TTJESDAT AM.


rnNTimT rufTlifl I The CreoUwiUtendhertrlp toPsscgojsTaaa Aana atii) CattlPriava the Creole wiH Hop at Broadwell'. Wharf sa Tuesday sad Csbin fare to Bay Sr. Louis and Pass Christlsri S3 st rhildren and If 18 Oceaai 1 CbllSren and 173 Deck (including Pascagoula) 1 33 Cabin fare ts PsscAronla 4 08 An Express Chest and Letter Bag leaves the offies sa Tues wsani ad Ihuraoaya, st sml a. au. saa asturasys sa n.

Ufcii UK a. Agent, tsrsvier ax. SaV Preisht. Stock, and Extra La tease should always be shipped either tbe day previeua sr in sa idIs srms for the train preceding tbe one at which the boat lease the road. New Orleans.

January 3S. 1869 dl WINTER. ARRANGEMENT O. A 11 si FOR MANDEVILLE. DCW1J2URS fLr Covington, and Asit BhaagaisHBaBBsiaDrinsa The nne.

fast ranains lew preasars mail steamer ARROW, J. W. Hodman, nasi der, will leave the Lake end of the rontchartraia atailroas daily, oa arrival sf ths train, as muows X.CSTCS MONDAT, for Covington on arrival 101 trsis TUESDAY, for adiaonTlUe 101( WEDNESDAY, for Coringlon lost THURSDAY, for MadisonrUle. 10 i FRIDAY, for Coviagton 10)s SATURDAY, for Covington 18 Returning MONDAT. from in time for UK trala TUrSDAY, from Covinirton 11 WEDNESDAY, from Si THURSDAY, from Cowtnrton HH FRi DAY, from MadiaonviUe 44 1.1 uaiia 1 1 iviD v.u.iuvuu.......

a The ARROW will step at all the asual landings sa fcej route escn wsy. Fssssgs 31 esch way. Refreshments to be had at the Bar. No meals on board. Freight must be sent to the Railroad in time for ths o'clock train, otherwiae it will not be taken.

For further Information apply to GEO. A. FOSDICK, Agent, nlS tff 43 Naschea street, SaT All bills sssinst ths boat said oa board. Jhs RA EN 8 WOOD will resume her trip in th Una as soon as the summer business opens. SUNDAY trips for this sea son diacontinoed.

COX. RRAINARD A TRI WEEKLY LIME. HS "OR MOBILE, MONTGOMERY, SEL I aiTwa? ma, and all landinge on Alabama River afcii 1 ii'r' superior Lake steamers, (trailt sa praasiy ior tne traae WM. BAGALET, Jonn C. Sinnott, BaSatsr.

CARONDELET. Rich'd Sinnott. master. One of the store steamers will leave from the Lake end of the Jefferson and Carrollton Railroad every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, on th. arrival of the 5:30 P.

M. train of cars connecting at Mobile with Cox. Brainard Co. daily line of magniflcenf passenger packet lor aiaoama suver. Shippers and passengers can rely on these boats can necting st all time, with tbe boats on tbe Alabama River.

Preisht received every day at the Depot, TivoU Circle 1 or ireignt or passage appiy to. ma tf J. la HARRIS. 37 Natches street. Ths Lswer wHaalaatswI.

Leave every MON DAY at 8 P. FRi DAY at 10 A M. sss REGULAR TWICE A WEEK PACKET 'For Baton Rouge, Broly's Ijanding, Maa chac, Plaqoemisc, Bayca Gouhv New iver. 1 i. 1.

'In. mum.1 a nm steamer air.xs.ust, Benjamin urr. mwiter, iouie Boocheraud, clerk, leaves New Orleans every MONDAY, at ft P. and every FRIDAY, at 10 A Returning, leaves Baton Rouge every TUESDAY, st 13 and every 8ATURDAY, st 10 A M. Coming 'own the Coast from Donsldmnville every WEDNE8DAT and SUN DAT, la dsy iignt.

or ireignt or passage appiy on noara, or to OSBORNE A Ja23 83 and is Front street. laeaves every WEDNESDAY at 10 AM. and SATURDAY at ft P. M. FOR THE COABT.

AND DONALDSON 'ville The fine. fast, neseenser Docket 8IL AVER HEELS. J. J. Baown, master, will lesStNew Orleans ss above.

Returning down th Coast every MONDAY sad FRIDAY in daylight. E. C0NERY, Aseat, dzs corner Cominra and Fulton streets. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET Tin splendid steamer GOLDEN AGE, W. Ms Combs, msster.

(in the Discs of th sreamei elia Donna.) will leave Hew Orleans ever 3ATD3DA1 fcvsinims, a stiocs, ior ionainaowviiie, nayoa stosus Plaqoemine, Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, Waterloo, Barm Sara, Pointe Gmsee, Man gun aa, Tunica, Wllllssssanrt, Bad River Landing. Fort Adanu, and all intermediate tandinga Returning, will leave Bayou Sara every WEDNESDAY, oa ths srrivsl of the cars from Woodvill. For freight passage apply oa board, or to HOLMES A CLATJ8S, Ageats, Jy38 6m ltTxboupHou las street. It. Leaves every WEDNESDAY, at 3 P.

kL FOR FORT ADAMS ThS steamer KATE HOWARD, E. f. Groaa aai'a, uiuiau, m. .111 wmmwm a ktiii. 1 i 1.

111 1 soovc, tor iionaiaaonvuie. Bayou uouia, rtaqsemms Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, Waterloo, Bayoa Sara, Point. Coo pee Morganza, Tunica, WllUarnaport, Red Rivet lndtno, Fort Adama, and all Intermediate landing Returning, will leave Bayoa Sara every SATURDAY, os tbe arrival of she cars from WoodviUs. For freight passage appiy on soars, or E. CONERT, Agent, dlft corner Common sod Palton street.

Leaves everyTUESDAY sad FRIDAY, st 8 P. M. r7 a. FOR THE COAST AND LAFOURCHE aJa4t9The fast running passenger packet VIXEN, ST T. Elfert, master, will leave ss above Rrtuming down the Coast every THURSDAY and SUNDAY, in daylight.

For freight or passage apply board. BOGART, FOLEY A AVERY, Agsnta, saF The Vixen will leave on her first trip on Tuesday, December 14. dl Leaves every SUNDAY, at A M. and WEDNESDAY at ft P. M.

FOR LOBDELL'S 8TORS1 AVTt VHTB Coast Ths fine, new steamer cIROSSB TFT, A fi III I aHaaBBBDBraaaS vwiw an I u. will ir.Ta saew rieans aa a re ruler nacket for the above nalnra aa fry lam 6ROS8E TETB, J. A Cottaea, master. Saniiay, 9 AM. eROSSE TETE, J.

A Cot ten, master, Wednesday, P. M. A Clerk always Ob the Leree to receive freight for th. above boat. E.

LANOUE, Agent, dSS 3m i Tchospitoals St. U. MAIL LINK. FOR BAYOU SARA BATOBi RODSB and the Coast Tbe splendid rraanssn CAPITOL and LAUREL HILL arUI lata. lertlisoovep the above points as follows, takine freieht tow all th.

lannmn CAPITOL, Baisnco, msster, Sunday. 9 A M. LAUREL HILL, Vincent, msster, Monday, I P. M. CAPITOL, Baranco, master, Wedneeday, P.

M. LAUREL HILL, Vincent, master, Friday, 10 A M. A clerk always oa the Levee to receive freieht far ts. above boats. J.

A COTTEN. Agent, 1 TcboopltosJe street, MUSE A BRaV. d7 tf corner si Com man and Front stroeba Leave cverv WEDNESDAY, at ft P. M. SEUUbAK WUJKHVII VlUXvB BDMG Packet MAGNOLIA Th packet st eamei MAGNOLIA.

BA C. will leave for Vlcksburg and all Intermediate LaaA tags ss above. sss tf T. BHUTE, Agent, 3 Casaa OVINTK ltmilil1i aau. a Week Hereafter tbe U.

A Mail packet oa i co. m. n. aaoovicn. uatw win leave new (means every SATURDAY, at 10 o'clocl A for Balls, sad every WEDNESDAY, at 10 o'clock A VL, for Potnt la Heche only.

Returning, wUt leave Start. In.ila. tm a ajuu a. wj aHaia Aaiuawj. For freieht or passage apply on board to eOBEFJa 8AL1BA, Agent, No.

TR Old Levee street. nil sm UNITED STATES TRI WBEKLT MAIL LIJIB VICRBBURG. 'Z Leaves a TUESDAY, at 8 P. M. h.

The tusguiiicent U. S. Mad aaekat PRIN CESsTwilaoo, marter, lfoTDwi WT Plaoemlne, Baton Remge, Fori Budson, Bayoa Sanv Red River Landing, Port Adams Matches, Waterproof, Rodney, St. Joseph! Bread fxaO, Warren ton and Vicksbarg, every TUESDAY, at P. M.

The Princess connects at Vlckaburs with the at nam RoebucK. sad will take freieht tor all torn laarilaaa aa Ua. Tsxos River ss high Green weod. xeaves sn THUK8D AT. at r.

nr. The mmMmt 17 a aiaii aaVat VTaK mnva a M. White, msster. will leave for DondsonvUla. Pla a' mine; Baton Roues, Port Hudson.

Baywa Bara, Red Rjvw Landinf, Fort Admns, Natches, Wsterprea, Rodney. St Joseph, Grand Gulf, Warren ten, Vlcksburg, Mlliikea wuu, imk rivnoracb nau, saiana iiannin. BkluwithH Iaandlna. Pilcher a Point. Aahtoa.

Grans Ta T.k.. awZTa THUR8DAY8Ir2lf Wrthi t. Tt steamer vtcxssurg vrm tass Irsifnt ior Taaes River. Leaves on BATUKDAT, at 8 P. M.

ftt nsaanlAeant 17 a afaii simnn. aa Leathers, master, will leave ru.lnaTSTlhi'i ss' LiindmiLPoitkduna The Nstchea counecia at VTcksrmrg with the ssaaaM. Bangee, and will take freight far aU landings oa tbsYsass Jy1 as Greenwood at high waterataaTwithoav atev meirtlaiied gpteadU pstaengarlMcMi arm 5ai other Valeabtes, anleas teats "mj vi iwamg are tax en, seamy lag ths coa deposited th eir baggage. Perl freight KSSSW MOW, SS I Blkulon and CnUnm Bnrlnn. BLADON AND CnLLTjaa rhSSvAN MvstscxuadOB aad Cnllui Twice a Week The Samuel Ablaw.

iTi Cullum Springs, twice a week. MtaV IrfaVaa xgafcTIa tnw Wta a Sladom and CuTJuni sWri ai tw ayleainAsA4'clSrV Ds i'zwST' "wjuTuay cuung, i aam Honw ior niaoesi an Wedneadav Eveninc a a aMa a Returning afar MaMaM. mtmlw ssri STEAMBOATS. MEMPHIS PA GREAT SOrjTHEBN MAIL. KOUTK.

FOB THE EAST AND NORTH, THROUGH TICKETS Uternnhte and N. O. Packet to Mosxrpala. Mk ThenceB, MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD, And continuous connecting Railways through East nt ikc and Virginia, to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. WASHINGTON, RICHMOND.

PETERSBURes, LTNCHBURe, ATLANTA. L' NASHVTLLK aad tha VIRGINIA SFRINeS.A Ex pre Mail Train, leave Memphis daily at 3 P. Making sax comneetkme through ts New Turk St less SX penae and tins thaa ssy etber route. 3aT Memphia Packets leave Mew Orleans at P. Jn Mondays J.

D. Clerks, asastal fTBIt'Sr' a. areiMr aaaaraar. Wsdnssdsys JOHN BTMONDB P. Smith.

BUMter, IN GOMiR. Paris, aamto. Fridays H. R. W.

HILL BELFAST H. Newell, aasstss, Weay, For freight or passage and terough ticketa, apply J. H. FRELIGH. oeneral Agent, Memphis Packet OtBce.

St. Chart Hotel, Jeft srian, WR IN8LEE, Psssenger Agent. It. Tickets by this rent good for aoy length a ssT Baggage checked through. BSa tf favea am MANTIAT aiat in.t af ft M.

BLtMrniB jknif nan vausau'. Packet Line U. 8. Mall Packet For Mem obis and all the Bends Tbe nne nasarnarr packet ateaiiier ECLIPSE. Harry 8 potts, msster, will receive ireignt on oswuruay ata sue gooa 01 vinm street snd will leave as above.

For freieht or f.a.sge apply on board, or to I. H. FRELIGH, Jasr. OtSc under the St Charles HoteL This line connects at id spoieoa wnvn regular pacsets for tbe Arksnsss and Whits Rivera, and at Memphis with superior packets for St. Louis aad Louisville, sat Adams'e Express carried regularly by this Bne.

Leave on WEDNESDAY, 3d at 5 P. M. MEMPHIS AND EW UnVtaEAJII Packet Line Regular U. Mail Packet For MemDhia and the Bends The solenoid pacAEt sfeamer JUhn giaun ua, amitn, master, wui so ready to receive freight on Monday morning, at the foot of Girod street, and leave ss above. For freight or psssag on lewd, or to raen.

Jar7 OSoe under St. Cbarlea HoteL 3V This line connects st Napoleon with regular packets for tbe Arksnsss anu White 0 1 vers, snd at Memphis with superior packets for St. Louis and Louisville. aaV Adams's Express carried regularly by this Bns. Leave on FRIDAY, 4th at .1 P.

M. aw UbJirflU ani l.x.rr vawaia. Packet Line Regular U. 8. Mall Packet v.

and the Rend. The Sne Aram ctaa. passenger packet steamer BELFAST, wm. rvray, master, will receive i freight on Wednesdsy morning, at tb. foot of Girod an and will leave as above.

Por frelgnt or paasage apply on board or to J. H. FRELIGH. Aeent. JaS OfBce under St.

Charles Hotel. BV This line connects at Napoleon with regular packets for the White and Arkansas rivers, and at Memphis with superior packets for St, Louis and Louisville. Adams'. Express carried regularly by this line. Ohio River.

Leaves en SATURDAY. 2sth at P. M. FOR PITTSBURG, WHEhlilMl, tl. a7cinnati, and all intermediate landings The ISA steamer DEFENDER, John L.

Rhoadea, auaatet la now in port receiving freight and will leave a. aoove For freight ar paasage apply on board, or to JaJ61T O. af. WHITE, 63 Front street. Leaves on SATURDAY.

S9th at P. M. NEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE LIGHTNING LINE. a. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine, fegula I packet steamer JAMES MONT rr James B.

Russell, msster. will Wave lor Louisville snd all intermediate landings as above. For freight or psss.gc, apply on board, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A Agents, Jsc26 37 Poydrss street. 3a A plan of the 'cabin can be seea aad staterooms secured by applying ts the sgents. Leaves oa BAXCRDAY.

SMtb inst at 6 P. M. a rOR C1C1EHAT1, AlAUIaOM, AU intermediate landings The regular pas laasenger packet steamer 8ELMA. Henley. master, is now in port receivin freieht.

and will leave as above. For freight sr passage apply oa board, or to Js39 8. BRICRELL, Poydras street. Leave, on MONDAY. Slat at 6 P.


H. rencetL maaser. will leave for Lonisvills alTaall in rmediate landings, as above. For freight or Passage apply an Deara or to BELL, BUCHANAN A CO Jasel 37 Poydrss street. gv A plan of the cabin can be seen and stateroom secured by applying to tbe Leaves on TUESDAY.

1st st 5 P. M. FOR LOUISVILLE The light draught psssenser packet ANTELOPE, Brown) master, will leave for the above and alt in tcriuetuate landinga as above. For freight or apply en board, or to Ja 9 TH0B. KKEFFE, ts Oravier street.

3aaF A plan of the cabin can be seen, and staterooms secured by applying to tbe agent. Leaves on SATURDAY February ft, at 6 P. M. NEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE LIGHTNING LINE. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regular passenger packet steamer DIANA T.

aaJ i Sturgeon, msster, will lesve forLouisviUe utermediate landinas as shove. For freieht er peessge apply on board, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A Agents, Js30 87 Poydras street. sr A plan of the cabin can be seen and staterooms secured by applying to the agents. Tko Vvner BIlMloolppi. Leaves on SATURDAY.


LOUIS Connecting at Cairo With the Illinois Central, and af Sr. the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad he nne regular passenger packet A T. LACEY, J. PI Rodnev. master.

wm leave lor Bt. Louie aad all Inter mediate landinsa aa above. For fr.l.hfc or nau. apply an board, sr to J. P.

ALLEN, Freight Agent For the above One, and ths Illinois CentraRailroad, jaao 8 Poydraa street. u.w.. oa. a. a tn.

BT. LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD 1mm. aa Mnmniv a. nine FOR ST. LOUIS Connecting st Cairo with the niinoia Central, and at St.

Louia with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad The ne reeuiar naaseneer nacket ateamar SA T.T.e rrrv Woods, master, will leave for St. Louia and all intermedin ate landinga aa above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. r. na.u5ri, mreignt Agent.

For the above Line, and ths Illinois Central Railroad, JaW Tl 8 Poydrss street Mtaai WrnNVBTIIV aJ a ST. LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD aiirrA. FOR ST. LOUIS Connecting at Cairo with the Illinois Central, aad at St. Louis With the Ohio and Miariaalnnl Railnawl Th.

new and regular paaaenger packet JOHN ALSH. Jphn Molloy, master, will leave for St. Louia and aU intermediate landings ss aoors For freight or passage, apply on board, or to ALLEN, Freight Agent, For the above Line and the Illinois Central Railroad, foyarae street. Attakapaa. Leaves on THURSDAY.

3d at fl P. M. Aieavea on every Thursday, FOR ATTAKAPABTDe fast ranning and light draught steamer GOSSAMER, JT P. Ponrey, master, will reave a above, and every Thursday, at 18 sL taking freight and passe nail 1. fog Berwick snd Brash ear Cities, Lower Atchaiaiaya, Patter.

sonville, Centrevilie, Franklin, Charentoo, Jeanneretta New Iberia, Fsusss Pointe, St, Martinsville, and all Inter mediate landinga For farther information apply to Js38 Bin MCI, HARE. 66 Carondeiet street. Leavmeverv TUF 13 posltiTety. mmjm FOR ATTAKAPAA VIA PiTauTTr arrwa fTb weUknown Attakapaa packet CERES, 1 J. J.

Labarthe. maater. sill Ka Am aa cur. freight every Momdsy morning for St Martinsville, oy to re vuarnwa, rmnaiin, ajentreniie. aad aU intermediate landinoon ths route.

All buainees entrueted to her care wui be fafthfly attendl I1 Particular, apply en board. mi nmrtkmrn to sVc3nttnnc oi them, Jstjew nrfT A A TVT A BT a a BSMarsas. uFht draught and fast ranning RECB WHIT4. Wm Aeef, master, W. ALSurla will leave a above.

For freight or paeaaee aoDlv or foot of Bienville street, or to" hfusKlft) miermeuiots i an flings, via Plaaoe on noara. corner of Common and Front streets. LeavejeTery 8 ATURDAY. at is M. ar.

MARTINSVILLE. NEW Jsrts, CentrevUle, Patterasnvllle, Berwick. fiwiiud. ruvofj vumsLt. mji tnrAa.

BICRNELLTlbe Smith; mO.iSSl will leave ss above. For frei ht or rmarair? aoo" vTn uiMf. iouu4jin AiiB new. uv ni dnnsht atMinav v. vb arts Ja34T veBukiiE a uu.

S3 and 36 Front Leavesevery SATURDAT. at 13 M. la l. mAnVTiSSVILLK NEW WDjeriajCentreville, Pettervonvtlle7Berwick, a sBav. Franklin.

Rivim nt a ail mfcdlateLanoineaWrt.a aaaaa MaUf BICKNSLIJLrXba Smitri, Kndail, clerk! Jaa etwnerCommoa and Front street. Alabama RItop. ATURDAT. 39th at 8 P.

M. COX, BRAINARD A TRI Wrrgi.v vise MOBILE, MONTGOMERY, WaV and Slma Regular Through Line, lit. via the Carrollton and Jefleraon Railroad "2. steamer CARONDELET. R.

Sfo, nejtniaater. will leave a above, for Montgmnery, We 1dlnss. on ths Alabama River. For freisbt er psaage apply on hoard, or ts i JOHN E. YDS A 83 Grsvier at awTn CanaadaUa laaaw i v.

TivoU Ctrcie: iv.v'yj'. TTJE8DAY 1st st 8 P. M. COX. BRAIN IBn Ar rn rot urVesr rtm A sw FOR MOBILE.

MONTGOMERY, WE Lp' 4 4Ttumpka and Selma, via the Carrollton aad Wr fl i mm. Jno. C. Sinnott, master. a7'.

"rwtitjtM au tanmags fm tne Alabasaa rive rrJDt PSssee apply on board, or to aap rka wravlerst. Trvail Circled ew receiving irsigru at ths Depot Irsueht steamer WM. BAG ALE T. will leave as above, Smr Mootaonv a aniiau afcwwar i omen L1SN. r.

I I I STnEAAHWA THE CHEAPEST THROUGH Ruia TO ALL POINTS re, IT A A JS AS A a a AH JLJ A Uf a Tn Clnelnasxtl and Now Orleaaa "tar. 1 U'' a J' i a9 vConrltxtng of the mllowmf tbmn SWITZERLAND, Schenck. OHIO BELLE; Jno, SVbaati rilarti. MONARCH. Jno.

A Wllllarassa! 1 TECUM8EH, P. F. Logan, aiULwe. lussuta, a. St.

1 8U8QumiA.NSA. a c. wuiiana. MAXUSON, ess. D.

maatezT UNIVERSE, Albert! tela, ssaawe. 5 HICK TPOMAS, Jno A Dbbls. anrter 1 1 nirevw nSTD urvm .1. vau. wa a.

jr. vrad. The Brsmen of tela lin. will leas pmitiver. a UaZ tiaed, for Clndnnstf, Madlssa, Lssisvllu.

Bmlthiand. Faducah. Csire. MsmnMa psssenger. through is an Norther and Eaater, unenpgrp tkaa aay otbwp Raa is th inteatiba to havs sas boat, at least, hi aaa.

all Umss, aad mam tain, as aeariy tm! Smplar asb ste' nii Lisa. 4 IdJOL aa a w. mrv'j a CHAR P. YERLANDERAgeat. dlS tf 10 Poydras street, formerly Cora "Char at Leave on SATURDAY, Svxh Jpoacket steamer aiaiajier wm nv a BOOT.

i sn board, er te 1 .,1 a. 1 pplj Ja47 ujiuawm, luTufccny corn v.a.., (J Hftd Htaaa. 1 an aiiunuii, run a REGULAR JEFFERgcJ.t AMTaJSai rt VtL sthvS aajaaau.v mumwmvr rw. aw All Ut rt A Smith, master, will leave as above For freight sr apply on board, or to S2t T. B.

SMITH. 4 Tcboualtoolas street Leave an SATURDAY, 2vth Inet, at if M. 3 a. (ou cruai anii EVY I 4r in weexiy rcxet iine These il ii swift nessenser steamer R. F.

i 1. t. I John bmeker. maater. will leave sa above, far I Grand Bavon.

Camnte. Grand Eeore. Aleaaaiirf. S. I anan'a, BarblnV aad all way landings.

For farther iaioraa I Lion, and freieht oe tssssee. anolv on board. Jad Sa A nlan of her cabin can be seen and I JiAaaja, sr jxatcbes Kreat. cured, (from a distance by despatch or letter, by I Leave on SATURDAY. 3Mb aiP.s keu xn new, at wig I "awitt.

I II 1 1 1 1 i ai a n.Maliaiil naw kaA .11.1 I 1U il a I. I I core. Piatchitorhes. Tiser Island. St Maarice I Landrne.

Montapmery. Durand'. and Buxton's Laadum I Calhoun's Plant at km. Mouth of Cane River, Cotue, Aaa 1 andria, Normaa'a. Barbin'.

and all intermedlaaa taaaa every SATURDAY, at 3 P. M. Far freighter Maasml apply oa board, or to J.J8 T. B. SMITH.

4 Tchoupttoalai rtreet Leave an SATURDAT. Svtb iy. H. dm r. rum abu new oalkabII xn vreeaiy racaec mne 1 ne waeailia end I swirt iias.1 nr ateamer a.

u. k.iu,ri UU. HUJU.ti, 1., aa a HnnVI port. Grand Bayou, Csmpte. Grand Ecora, Alexaadrla I Norman, Barbin 'a, and all way landinga.

Far fartbw I Information, ami ireignt or passare, apply oa saata, sr I js js 0. u. Auuno sr. oaua, rrons street, ST A nlan of her cable can be seen and slsli niaaa aa cured, (from a distance by despatch or letter,) by ssyiica I liou as im vnic mfcuvm. a envanav kv a run.

nuisitiiiis anu uaaoiairii I Blurf'a. Bhrevepora, Grand Eesre sad As. I andria The elegsnt snd swift rauri MS I seuger packet steamer LKUuaris, t.heney auaaaas, I master, wui leave aa aoove. ror ircigns or paaaafr, 1 nn hoard tw tn JbskV t. B.

SMITH. 4 TchoallSBalaaaL ta I am authorised by Capt. Johnson tosay that be 4ea not belong to Boons A Lias, nor cither are teey BS I agents. laaaa an, TnSDAt. Peb I.

at F. L. KOUNS LOW WATER r.nn I FOR UPPER RED RIVER ETU 9a, 1 1 W. ScovelL master, for A 1 I land. larks ri Lie.

Laneenort. Faitoa. hiauui. Dooiev'a Ferry. Conway.

SpriDgbaak, i. I Blufl. Red Bavoa. Albanv. Shtwveoort.

sad aU a I and way landinga Clear bills st ear packet iaue. I privilege of transierring so eitoer or tne raa. aiwy afacao it. aa avwi. a mm trim Leaeea an WEDNESDAY.

3d at i f. F. REGULAR Ji.rrEKBU.1 AL.i FT Far ShreveBort. Grand Bavoa. Grand Score and Alexandria T.

dreugut passenger pacset i Attuiuiii; uayee, a will leave as shove. Forfreieht or paasage spply oa Js37T or te T. SblJTH, 4 Tctioupltoulaa ir k. SHREVEPORT AND NEWORLi I J1 iii Tri Weekly Packet Line For Snrev si Grand Bayou, Campte, Orand AI ftlaunce, Montgomery 'a, Do rand aad Buxsan's I aUMruna, Moo in uane suver, tJoaue, AKiaaarM man's, Barbin 's sad all way landiagaj csmpoaeo I following splendid sad swift passenger aasse, wai'1 ail I leave New Orleans and Sbreveport alternately, wl ail DAYS, ana IA1U BtP.

GRAND DURE, Ssml. Appirgata, ssastsr. LUCY HOLCOMBE, D. Batsman, Boaster. 1 Thursdsvs RATIONAL.

P. Montsomerv. mMter. JUDAH TOCRO, Chas W. Ewing, bus SB.artJpyi mm vamnh uuu liar a AR oi the above mentioned splendid iisssragrf psr ia I will leave an their rrenlar dava.

without fail, at tbe kw I appointed. All business entrusted to their caMaAkl promptly and faHhfuily attended to. I Slslfiiisais can be secured oa either of shm basts, I say trip, sy sppiymg ss tne oma of aeento 1 G. tm AOUN8 BROA. AgerrtaV d30 rront screes, new un WEDNE8DAYsad laJ Natchitoches snd Alexandria regular I ly packets Th new, splendid and isst I natt UaLEAna ttaAail nine peasenger pscsec MAnuEA tj.

j. narstow, a I will tsave for Colhoua's Plantation, Mouth of Can 1 a Cotile.AtexandriavNorman'i Barbin'sandailiBtcrxM a tanomga, every eiili kbda at 8 p. M. Tbe new, elegant and swift running 1 tawm PEERLESS, Jobs Dowty. maater, wtu lease Ecore, Nstchltocbes, Tiser bland, St.

Maurice, Landing, Montgomery, Dursnd's snd Baxtoa's Colboun's Plantation, Mouth of Cans River, Cod e. 4 andria, orm sn Barbin'. and all tn terra ediste Isbou, very SATURDAY, at 6 F. M. in st cotsrsaon sa rraasaussss UBaektta River.

mm. fl A TITO a. mm wiaiw v. ai i il a tr. in.

rfMm aval bEl.tAll X. Bsrtbolomew Ths new, Ught draught aeneer rtllrr 1 A Sh raaater. and 8. W. Rouna.

clerk, will leave aa above, tat route, snd all l.ndlnea on the havaa aa hiarsi aa aha 3 ireignt us psssesger ior all landinga on ouacntta os Baa For freight or passage apply en board, erte e. L. AQUAS A 3 Froat Street, Jsas Opposite Canal Street Yerrr Leaves on SATURDAT. 39th Inst, st 8 P. M.

1 itr.u uitAa uu At. tu rn, saivu tbotomsw aad Black River Packea Aiabama laundins. Polart Pleeaaat. Oae 1 aarihie. fainmh4a.

Ha. tlamhara Trinitv and all mediate landings Tbe new light draught, fast run passenger packet steamer 1 n. u. using msster, will leave a. above.

For freight or ram see on board, or to MUSB Jass ejeraer 01 ijoraraoa and rroat strsea Adcav SATURDAY. S9th at I THE UABJX 1 ArjrfMimm litnii ptmmmmgtr yckia aoove, caking freight for Mhm BWkan I la.vl.fl a. 1: aaa. aw a a. ayaHSWtUM.

VWBS.UIW talis, BWiyU d'Arboine, Trenton, Monroe, Pine Blofts, Catrforu, bia, Harrisonburg. Trinity aad all landing. eabisca A Foe freight or paaaairr. apply wm. beard, er a T.

BTsMITH, Agent, 4 Tcbmpitswlasstr. 4 eVTbe BumngtoB connect at Maria Bella, enu. steamer Louisa, aad wiU taka freight for ail Itmdra. Saline River. Leave On SATOnDAV.

IQth mat at BP. I OUACHITA FA88t af racset Every Tea IMya Tmm Ca ufe Beach Hil la. Chain pafnelia, labam jiUin Jionree, Pins Bialt, Hairieoabuiu, x. landing, oa Ouachita and Black Rivera sptenaia uoasenger packet ME88ENSLA, M. aiaaia wui laava aa aoove.

er ireignt or an board, aa tn Jan 40HT4 E. HYDE 3rivvierrr' Leave oa SATURDAT. 39tb st 8 P. M. ff" a.

FOR CAMDEN, BEACH HILLS, flV leJ1 Vfler'. Bluff, gr Bay, Pigeon Hill, Marie Balioe, i ma lasnnuigTMeuth Bayou Bartholoaaew, Treatea, roe. Colambia, Harriamburg. Trinity and all way la 4 Tbe very superior Urbt draught and swift nsaaiag axis UAtajs, u. w.

Bmitn, an aster, wiu For ireieht or passage, sarin snanmasas cabia accsv darJons tor peesengrTS, apply on board, er te Jawt TT. B. SMITH, 4 Tchsapttsalssstrsetl Leaves aa SATURDAY, gvth at F. M. tss.

i OUACHITA RIVER The elegant, saw I aJ i(VS running, reen lar OuachHa fsair.rer ti ttT in ia.11 MESSENGER. Gssrs A Rnff master, wui lesve for Camden, Beach Hills, B. Cb.mpaeiMUe, Wilmington. Mora Bay, Figsoo IAiSIV Salins. Ektia Alahama Landinc.

SitsCil? r.Cut Ms, Hsirisonburs; Prinlty and all way iaadma ea and Ouachita Rivera, aa above. For rreigo sw apply oa board, as to JaS6f T. B. SMITH 4TChsarprbaslMStrsl Aasaves every I KllA i. a I Ja rLa.

vsinir f. Ll Trenton, Monmal Pin. Blalis, I IuulgTCaia mbia, Harriaoaborg, Trinity, and ai. mmAim.m, a tll. UiBI eimagnihcent and swift saauiag passeneefs R.

W. McRAE, Jno. W. Tobin, master, G. P.

ork WiU leave ss above. Freight takes for Bayous Bart i. aad D'Arawnne, with privilege sf reahlppiag, orpaaaaat apply aberd er to WW MUSE A Agents. tH8 eoraer of Commoa and Fraat SU SaT The W. McRae is bow receiviag frdgbt ai foot of Caual street Opoionaaaw A Leaves every SATURDAY, at 13 SL FOR OFELOUSAB Tbstimr 4 7 PER RET, (built sxpreeeiy for tb tr v.

1x1111 air 7, mai i win 1 car ueisus ar apply on ooara. or so S. AI. JUBJIBiVn A Front Levee, near Castombeue err d80 Tessas Ktwer. Leaves sn SATURDAY, mhlnst.

1 M. IVatleiaK. 1 The auteralened rearjectlaiiV ned inform tbelr snd ths pubhe generally that they have from their old ataad. at the corner af rteranss se Oravieg streets, to NO. 10 ST.

CHARLESBTRECt, posits tbs Bt, Charles theatre, where HATS, CAFr. ai the latest stvls aad best ausllry, will slway ee less 1 aat" tm, posicivaiy htm Kvtra arul a ,4 suw FOR TENSAS AND RAIOW I Jl WThenewand lishtdraoght awrasrv a ROBERT WATSON. D. Olss cecV rr, i wui leave aa above, for Black River. Tensas and tl Macon aad all Intermediate landings ss high ss the I i will petmit.

For freight or passage apply sa sfi. I Ja Q8BORNE A 34 and tw jf i H.nai, 4 ij sS4 em A0CA CW TTT).

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.