Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (2025)

Decider Lists

By Nicole Gallucci@nicolemichele5

Published Jan. 17, 2024, 11:00 a.m. ET

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  • Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (1)

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Death and Other Details, Hulu‘s new layered murder mystery series set on a luxury ocean liner, follows Imogene Scott (Violett Beane) and Detective Rufus Cotesworth (Mandy Patinkin) on a quest for truth.

When the two reunite for the first time since Rufus tried (and failed) to solve the mystery of Imogene’s mom’s murder years ago, they set out to investigate the deadly crime, interrogate the ship’s crew members and wealthy guests, and reach for connections between their two unsolved cases.

With questions piling up, motives galore, and everyone lying during questioning, it’s clear Death and Other Details‘ ten episodes will feature a relentless string of twists, turns, and surprises. While we’re only two-episodes in, Rufus Cotesworth urged us to pay attention to the details and learn to see through illusions, so that’s what we’re trying to do!

Curious who killed Keith Trubitsky in Death and Other Details? Who killed Imogene’s mom all those years ago? If the series has one killer or multiple murderers? And who is Viktor Sams?! Here are the suspects so far, along with cast info, obvious character motives, and early likelihood of guilt.

  1. Imogene and Rufus

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (2)

    The Suspects:Imogene, the initial murder suspect, played by Violett Beane and Rufus Cotesworth, the world’s greatest detective, played by Mandy Patinkin

    The Motive:Minutes into the series it’s no secret that Imogene and Death and Other Details‘ first boat victim, Keith Trubitsky, have beef. And after learning that Rufus was one step ahead of Imogene in erasing the security footage, we couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to the story…and there was!

    Likelihood of Guilt:Turns out, Keith was Danny, Rufus’ undercover assistant. It’s clear that Imogene and Rufus have a history, seem like fairly honorable people concerned with justice, and are our detective duo in the series…so they’re certainly not our prime suspects. We doubt Rufus would kill his pal, and Imogene may smash an occasional watch, but I don’t think she’s capable of doing what someone did to her mom. In the spirit of good detective work, however, until we know more we can’t entirely rule them out.

  2. Anna Collier

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (3)

    The Suspect: Anna Collier, “a shark” (and Imogene’s childhood friend) who’s expected to take over as CEO of her father’s company Collier Mills, played by Lauren Patten

    The Motive:Business, baby! Anna wants to be CEO and she seems like the type to go to great lengths to ensure success. Do those lengths include murder? We’ll have to see.

    Likelihood of Guilt:Two episodes in, she’s a shark and a skilled liar whose vibes admittedly aren’t the greatest. But would Imogene’s close pal really be capable of murder? We’re not convinced, but as a reminder, she does have billions on the line.

  3. Leila

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (4)

    The Suspect: Leila, Anna’s wife and “a retired clickbait journalist,” played by Pardis Saremi

    The Motive:Paranoia and a clear distrust of Keith Trubitsky

    Likelihood of Guilt:The journalist in me wants to believe that Leila’s intentions are pure, especially because her apprehension surrounding Trubitsky and boat surveillance seems genuine. But the journalist in me also knows we need more evidence proving her innocence or guilt first. I’m rooting for you, Leila!

  4. Sunil Ranja

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (5)

    The Suspect: Sunil Ranja, aka swoonworthy boat owner, played by Rahul Kohli

    The Motive:Likely business and money. We know he has expensive taste, two safes, and casually withheld that Keith/Danny tried to enter his office the night of his death. Something smells fishy…and it’s not the ocean.

    Likelihood of Guilt:I want to believe that Hot Boat Owner is good, but he IS wearing a dreamy cream cable-knit sweater a la Chris Evans’ character Ransom in Knives Out, and we all know how that turned out. A clue that this crush has crossed over to the dark side, perhaps? Say it ain’t so!

  5. Jules

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (6)

    The Suspect: Jules, head of security and Imogene’s hot hookup, played by Hugo Diego Garcia

    The Motive:Unclear at this time!

    Likelihood of Guilt:We’re fairly certain this man spent the night with Imogene and thus is not responsible for Trubitsky’s death. But he is head of security, so if anyone would be a pro at sneaking around the ship and dodging security cameras, he’s our guy.

  6. Teddy Goh

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (7)

    The Suspect: Teddy Goh, the ship’s leader/crew manager/Winnie’s older sister, played by Angela Zhou

    The Motive:Protecting her sister

    Likelihood of Guilt:Teddy knows everything about everyone on the ship, and will likely do whatever she can to protect her staff — mainly, her younger sister Winnie, who had it out with Trubitsky before he was killed.

  7. Winnie Goh

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (8)

    The Suspect: Winnie, Teddy’s sister and a crew member on the ship, played by Annie Q. Riegel

    The Motive:Revenge! After all, Keith Trubitsky was a straight-up horror to her after their accidental run-in by the bar at the top of Episode 1.

    Likelihood of Guilt:As far as obvious motives go, Winnie has one of the strongest so far. She was a publicly humiliated and disrespected by Trubitsky, and she also has a sweetness and innocence to her that would make murder extremely unexpected.

  8. Llewellyn Mathers

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (9)

    The Suspect: Llewellyn Mathers, the Collier family lawyer, played by Jere Burns

    The Motive:Legal protection (at any cost)

    Likelihood of Guilt:Can you imagine what a stressful, odious job the Collier family lawyer must be? Llewellyn doesn’t seem like a killer (outside of the courtroom) but who knows what one’s capable of when a wealthy, powerful family applies pressure. And what’s with those bruises on his wrist?

  9. Eleanor Chun

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (10)

    The Suspect: Eleanor Chun, granddaughter of Celia, played by Karoline

    The Motive:Helping her grandmother

    Likelihood of Guilt:Eleanor is still largely a mystery two episodes in, but considering her close proximity to Celia we can’t rule her out quite yet.

  10. Father Toby

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (11)

    The Suspect: Father Toby, well-known political kingmaker and father of That Derek, played by Danny Johnson

    The Motive:Politics and power, just like Governor Alexandra

    Likelihood of Guilt:Is Toby — a religious and biological father — our first presumed suspect in a murder case? Absolutely not! But maybe that’s what Death and Other Details wants us to think! Two episodes in we don’t believe the Father committed murder on this ship, but his career is allegedly built on secrets, so we’re ready to be proven wrong!

  11. Lawrence Collier

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (12)

    The Suspect: Lawrence Collier, well-known businessman sailing with wife to celebrate retirement, played by David Marshall Grant

    The Motive:Money, power, control of his company, or maybe the weird blue drink made him do it?!

    Likelihood of Guilt:We first meet Lawrence and his wife Katherine in a flashback when it’s revealed they cared for Imogen like a daughter in wake of her mother’s mysterious murder. How can we be sure that one — or both of them — aren’t behind the boat murder when there’s still so much to learn about their proximity to Imogen’s mom’s murder? Hmmm…

  12. Katherine Collier

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (13)

    The Suspect: Katherine Collier, Lawrence’s wife/mother to Anna and Tripp, played by Jayne Atkinson

    The Motive:Family, financial, and lifestyle security?

    Likelihood of Guilt:See above. Katherine may play the role of businessman’s wife well, but something tells us she’s got a mind of her own and, like her kids, will do whatever necessary to maintain her status.

  13. Alexandra Hochenberg

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (14)

    The Suspect: Alexandra Hochenberg, governor of the state of Washington, played by Tamberla Perry

    The Motive:Political power, up for reelection in the fall

    Likelihood of Guilt:She’s described as “a virtual shoo-in” for reelection, but is her reputation that sparkling? Or is she hiding a scandal — rather, an affair with Tripp — worth killing over? She did order the bar cart to Trubitsky’s suite, but perhaps that quickly-discovered fact makes her a red herring.

  14. Tripp Collier

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (15)

    The Suspect: Tripp Collier, Anna’s older brother and a self-employed (failed) entrepreneur, played by Jack Cutmore-Scott

    The Motive:Business trouble? Debt? Drugs? Desperation?

    Likelihood of Guilt:Tripp’s clearly struggling financially and hungry to prove himself worthy in the shadow of his successful sister. At times he seems like a lovable, misguided goof. But could his temper take over when he’s backed into a corner crunched for cash? Again, not convinced just yet!

  15. That Derek

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (16)

    The Suspect: That Derek, a rising TikTok star, played by Sincere Wilbert

    The Motive: TikTok Fame? I don’t know!

    Likelihood of Guilt:First impressions of That Derek? He’s not That Dangerous! We’ll have to wait and see how the mystery plays out, but here’s hoping That Derek’s only crime is using a selfie stick on vacation.

  16. Celia Chun

    Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (17)

    The Suspect: Celia Chun, grandmother/matriarch of the Chun family/business icon, played by Lisa Lu

    The Motive:Oversees operations of the family’s global fast fashion empire, so yep, you guessed it…BUSINESS!

    Likelihood of Guilt:Never underestimate a business-savvy grandma with a family legacy to protect.


  • Death and Other Details
  • Decider Lists
  • Hulu
  • Mandy Patinkin
Who’s The Killer On ‘Death And Other Details’? Meet The Suspects (2025)
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