Dynamics of ferroelectric phase transition in vinylidene fluoride/trifluoroethylene (VF2/F3E) copolymers. II. Proton nu… (2024)

Dynamics of ferroelectric phase transition in vinylidene fluoride/trifluoroethylene (VF2/F3E) copolymers. II. Proton nu… (1) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.456293 · Dynamics of ferroelectric phase transition in vinylidene fluoride/trifluoroethylene (VF2/F3E) copolymers. II. Proton nu… (2)

Видання: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1989, №11, с.6740-6748

Видавець: AIP Publishing

Автори: Hajime Tanaka, Hideyuki Yukawa, Toshio Nishi


Here we study the ferroelectric phase transition of a random copolymer of vinylidene fluoride (VF2) and trifluoroethylene (F3E), VF2/F3E(52/48), by 1H-pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Spin–spin relaxation time T2, spin–lattice relaxation time T1, and T1 in the rotating frame T1 ρ show the anomaly reflecting the phase transition. We demonstrate that the motional state in the crystalline and amorphous region is not so different. From the direct fitting of the Kubo–Tomita relation to a free induction decay, we have succeeded in obtaining the correlation time of the fluctuating local field and the second moment of the rigid lattice separately. The critical slowing down of the order-parameter fluctuation is observed through the temperature dependence of the correlation time. The anomaly of T1 near the Curie point has been found to be weak. This weak divergence of T−11 is consistent with our results on acoustic measurements. The weak anomaly can be ascribed to (1) the long-range nature of the bare interaction between dipoles which may come from the connectivity of a polymer chain (a cooperative conformational change over at least three bonds) or the dipolar long-range interaction, (2) the randomness due to random copolymerization, and/or (3) the dimensionality of the order parameter.

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